Brooer Lay-in/lay-on ceiling system offers the combination of style and functionality for which we are known.these system is available in different installation concepts.
Lay-in and lay-on tiles provide easy access and are ideal foe situation where regular maintenance or service is required on installations in the plenum. Lay-in and Lay-out tiles are available in a wide variety of pre defined squire and rectangular module sizes that common used in ceiling design.
Brooer Tiles System are manufactured from durable Aluminum or steel finished with powder coating or produced from durable coil coated material, these ceiling will last longer and require less maintenance. Brooer Tiles allow full plenum access and can be easily demounted by hand. Perforated tiles improve acoustical performance as well as creating aesthetic effects.
Brooer perforated tiles come with a special sound –absorbing non-woven tissue glued into the panel, further enhancing acoustical performance.
Aluminum Tiles (Lay-in/Lay-on)
Brooer Lay-in or Lay-on system Tiles are designed to be installed in conventional T-Grid System with T-Bar sizes of 15 mm, 24 mm or Black Grove .By pushing Tiles on up-Words or Lay tiles top on Grid System. All Types Provide easy access to plenum without the use of special Tools.
The exposed T-grid of Brooer Lay-in & Lay-on Tiles enhances the modular design pattern. Amore distinctive emphasis can be provided by use of wide T-grids and 16mm deep reveals, or less prominent by using 15 mm T-grids and an 8mm reveal.
Brooer False ceiling composed of 600 x 600 mm Panel Lay-in /Lay-on Structure. The Square panel is made of Aluminum or steel with high industrial standard. Brooer Lay-in/Lay-on tiles provide easy access by lifting and tilting the ceiling tiles. They are ideal for situations where regular maintenance or service is required to ducts, pipes, and
airco-system, or computer-or telephone networks. Before selecting this system, care should be taken to ensure that there is enough space in the plenum to left the tiles upward. Because the Brooer Lay-in and Lay-on System offer easy access and adaptability .Lighting and services can be conveniently resposited. This is particularly useful for supermarkets, Laboratoires, computer Suites and offices.
On order to improve interior Sound control the Brooer tile program can be delivered in two standard perforation patterns .as a standard feature, perforated tiles are be supplied with a sound absorbing non-woven tissue glued into the tile for enhanced acoustical performance .
Brooer Lay-in & Lay-on Tiles System

Perforated Tiles (Lay In or Lay On)
T-Grid24 mm (Main Tee/Cross Tee/Angle)

T-Grid 15mm (Main Tee/Cross Tee /Angle)

T-Grid 15mm Black Grove (Main Tee/Cross Tee/Angle